Platelet-rich plasma Therapy (PRP)

Welcome to Monumental Health and Wellness, your premier choice for PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Therapy in Stevens County, WA Our innovative PRP treatments harness the healing power of your own blood to accelerate recovery and promote tissue regeneration.

Plasma, the liquid portion of blood, is packed with dissolved proteins, hormones, electrolytes, and various cells like red and white blood cells and platelets. These components play a crucial role in blood clotting and tissue repair following injuries. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy harnesses the patient's own blood to deliver a concentrated dose of platelets and growth factors to targeted areas. This therapy triggers a robust healing response by boosting blood flow, activating growth factors, and accelerating the repair and regeneration of tissues, joints, and cartilage.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

A healthy body continuously produces new cells to repair and rejuvenate damaged tissues as part of its natural healing process. When everything is functioning optimally, this healing process helps maintain ease, vitality, and overall well-being. However, chronic conditions, injuries, and aging can disrupt this natural healing mechanism, weakening the body’s regenerative capacity. This often leads to compromised tissue, reduced mobility, and persistent pain. Conventional treatments such as prescription medications, steroid or cortisone injections, and surgeries may provide temporary relief but often come with unwanted side effects. Medications and NSAIDs tend to mask symptoms rather than addressing the underlying issue, while surgeries, being irreversible, can sometimes lead to additional complications.

the body’s natural healing process