Chiropractic treatment is a safer, natural way for you to achieve better health and vitality


Welcome to Monumental Health and Wellness, your premier destination for chiropractic care in Colville, WA. Our clinic is dedicated to providing the highest quality of chiropractic treatments, utilizing integrative techniques and rehabilitative methods to help you get out of pain and back to living your best life. Our experienced team is committed to addressing the root causes of your discomfort, ensuring personalized and effective care.

Whether you’re suffering from back pain, neck pain, or other musculoskeletal issues, Monumental Health and
Wellness offers comprehensive chiropractic solutions tailored to your needs. Experience the difference of top-tier chiropractic care in Colville. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards a pain-free life.

4 Reasons to seek chiropractic care at Monumental

What to expect From your chiropractic Treatment

  • Many people understandably associate chiropractic care with common problems like headaches, migraines, neck, or back problems. Chiropractors focus on the spine because it houses the central nervous system that controls all vital communication between the brain and the body.

  • Our chiropractors have had great success in treating people who suffer from allergies, arthritis, sinus problems, digestive issues, and stomach problems. We also have the ability to refer you to another provider “in house” to get you the care that you need.

  • Many people seek chiropractic care because they want to avoid surgery, or they have tried surgery or medications without success. Our clinic is strives for healing that is better for the body holistically.

  • Just like brushing your teeth or visiting your dentist for routine cleanings, maintenance care is very important for your nervous system. Maintaining your nervous system and spine is vital for good proper health.

Our chiropractors are certified in numerous different chiropractic techniques. Some techniques do not involve the “popping” sound. We also utilize instruments that are very gentle. Our providers recognize that each body is unique and will respond best to different treatment techniques.